Do you Know the Working Difference between Balances and Scales?

Publish Time: 2021-08-02     Origin: Site


Scales and balances are two completely different measurement tools in the eyes of many people, because balances seem to appear in laboratories, while scales basically appear in large factories or daily shops. In fact, these two weighing tools can be used interchangeably in many cases, but the working methods are different. In this article, we will introduce a basic description of the various mechanisms that make scales and balances work.



The Difference between a Balance and a Scale

Simply put, electronic balance measures mass, while digital measuring scale measures weight. Therefore, if you equip the moon with these two devices, the balance will accurately provide you with the mass of the moon rock, and the scale will be affected by gravity.


Weighing balance balances the unknown mass with the known mass to determine the mass. In modern weighing instruments, a weight balance machine usually uses a force recovery mechanism, which generates a force to balance the force exerted by an unknown mass.


The scale displays the weight by measuring the deflection. The spring deforms under a load, and then the force required to deform the spring is measured and converted into weight. Common scales mainly include spring weight machines, digital measuring scales and mechanical scales.



How Does a Mechanical Scale Work?

Mechanical scales are composed of levers, supporting parts and connections (such as knives, knife holders, lifting lugs, hanging rings and connecting rods) weighing heads.


The working principle of the hook, digital spring balance or hanging weight scale is based on Hooke's law. Hooke's law is a basic law in the elasticity theory of mechanics. After a solid material is stressed, there is a linear relationship between the stress and strain (unit deformation) in the material.


Hooke’s Law of Elasticity states that when a spring undergoes elastic deformation, the elastic force F of the spring is proportional to the extension (or compression) x of the spring, that is, F = k·x. k is the elastic coefficient of a substance, which is only determined by the properties of the material and has nothing to do with other factors. The negative sign means that the elastic force generated by the spring is opposite to the direction of its extension (or compression).



How Does the Electronic Scale Work?

An electronic scale is a kind of weighing instrument, which is a tool for measuring the mass of an object by using Hooke's law or the principle of force lever balance. According to the structure principle, it can be divided into three categories: mechanical scale, electronic scale and electromechanical combined scale.



What Is a Load Cell?

The load cell is a kind of force sensor used on weighing instruments. It can convert the gravity acting on the measured object into a measurable output signal in a certain proportion. When the load is placed on the scale, the strain gauge will convert the force (or pressure) applied by the load to the load cell into an electronic signal. Once the load is removed from the scale, the load cell will return to its original shape.



Two different working methods allow balances and scales to be used in a variety of different scenarios. Purchase products correctly according to your needs. If you are in your area for more commercial activities, then the electronic scale is still your first choice, after all, it can be used in more scenarios.

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